Room 51
Room 51 is the personal site of John Larsen, a web developer, ex-maths teacher, certified Japanophile and author of React Hooks in Action and Get Programming with JavaScript.
Latest Tutorial: Managing component state with the useState hook.
React Hooks in Action
Published Summer/Fall 2020
React Hooks in Action is available to buy from Manning.
Use code larsenpc for 40% off!
Build stylish, slick, and speedy-to-load user interfaces in React without writing custom classes. React Hooks are a new category of functions that help you to manage state, lifecycle and side effects within functional components. React Hooks in Action teaches you to use pre-built hooks like useState, useReducer and useEffect, and to build your own hooks. Your code will be more reusable, require less boilerplate, and you’ll instantly be a more effective React developer.
Get Programming with JavaScript
Published August 2016
Get Programming with JavaScript is available to buy from Manning, Amazon or any book store of your choice!
Get Programming with JavaScript is a practical introduction to programming. Through hands-on code samples coupled with carefully paced explanations, supporting video tutorials and a wide variety of examples, it will help you build knowledge and skills and set you on your way to coding expertise.
Further Learning
A selection of resources related to JavaScript and React programming.
These are affiliate links - I get a payment for each sale on the Wes Bos and Manning sites if you follow these links.
Courses by Wes Bos
Wes Bos has created some fantastic video courses to take your JavaScript skills to the next level:
JavaScript30 (It's Free!)
Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL
Learn Redux (It's Free!)
There are lots of good JavaScript books at Manning to guide you on further programming adventures.
Books from Manning
Manning publish a number of intermediate and more advanced JavaScript books, including:
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
Functional Programming in JavaScript
Manning often issue promotional discount codes, so it's worth watching their site for deals, signing up to newsletters and following their accounts on Twitter.
These are affiliate links - I get a payment for each sale on the Wes Bos and Manning sites if you follow these links.