Room 51
Further Learning
A selection of resources related to JavaScript and React programming.
These are affiliate links - I get a payment for each sale on the Wes Bos and Manning sites if you follow these links.
Courses by Wes Bos
Wes Bos has created some fantastic video courses to take your JavaScript skills to the next level:
JavaScript30 (It's Free!)
Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL
Learn Redux (It's Free!)
There are lots of good JavaScript books at Manning to guide you on further programming adventures.
Books from Manning
Manning publish a number of intermediate and more advanced JavaScript books, including:
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
Functional Programming in JavaScript
Manning often issue promotional discount codes, so it's worth watching their site for deals, signing up to newsletters and following their accounts on Twitter.
These are affiliate links - I get a payment for each sale on the Wes Bos and Manning sites if you follow these links.