Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 11.17

Listing 11.17 - Lots of global variables in the game

// The spacer namespace var spacer = { blank: function () { return ""; }, newLine: function () { return "\n"; }, line: function (length, character) { var longString = "****************************************"; longString += "----------------------------------------"; longString += "========================================"; longString += "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"; longString += " "; length = Math.max(0, length); length = Math.min(40, length); return longString.substr(longString.indexOf(character), length); }, wrap : function (text, length, character) { var padLength = length - text.length - 3; var wrapText = character + " " + text; wrapText += spacer.line(padLength, " "); wrapText += character; return wrapText; }, box: function (text, length, character) { var boxText = spacer.newLine(); boxText += spacer.line(length, character) + spacer.newLine(); boxText += spacer.wrap(text, length, character) + spacer.newLine(); boxText += spacer.line(length, character) + spacer.newLine(); return boxText; } }; // Constructors var Player = function (name, health) { var newLine = spacer.newLine(); var items = []; var place = null; var getNameInfo = function () { return name; }; var getHealthInfo = function () { return "(" + health + ")"; }; var getItemsInfo = function () { var itemsString = "Items:" + newLine; items.forEach(function (item, i) { itemsString += " - " + item + newLine; }); return itemsString; }; var getTitleInfo = function () { return getNameInfo() + " " + getHealthInfo(); }; var getInfo = function () { var info =, 40, "*"); info += " " + getItemsInfo(); info += spacer.line(40, "*"); info += newLine; return info; }; this.addItem = function (item) { items.push(item); }; this.setPlace = function (destination) { place = destination; }; this.getPlace = function () { return place; }; this.showInfo = function (character) { console.log(getInfo(character)); }; }; var Place = function (title, description) { var newLine = spacer.newLine(); var items = []; var exits = {}; var getItemsInfo = function () { var itemsString = "Items: " + newLine; items.forEach(function (item) { itemsString += " - " + item; itemsString += newLine; }); return itemsString; }; var getExitsInfo = function () { var exitsString = "Exits from " + title; exitsString += ":" + newLine; Object.keys(exits).forEach(function (key) { exitsString += " - " + key; exitsString += newLine; }); return exitsString; }; var getTitleInfo = function () { return, title.length + 4, "="); }; var getInfo = function () { var infoString = getTitleInfo(); infoString += description; infoString += newLine + newLine; infoString += getItemsInfo() + newLine; infoString += getExitsInfo(); infoString += spacer.line(40, "=") + newLine; return infoString; }; this.showInfo = function () { console.log(getInfo()); }; this.addItem = function (item) { items.push(item); }; this.addExit = function (direction, exit) { exits[direction] = exit; }; this.getExit = function (direction) { return exits[direction]; }; this.getLastItem = function () { return items.pop(); }; }; // Game controls var render = function () { console.clear(); player.getPlace().showInfo(); player.showInfo(); }; var go = function (direction) { var place = player.getPlace(); var destination = place.getExit(direction); player.setPlace(destination); render(); return ""; }; var get = function () { var place = player.getPlace(); var item = place.getLastItem(); player.addItem(item); render(); return ""; }; // Map var kitchen = new Place( "The Kitchen", "You are in a kitchen. There is a disturbing smell." ); var library = new Place( "The Old Library", "You are in a library. Dusty books line the walls." ); kitchen.addItem("a piece of cheese"); library.addItem("a rusty key"); kitchen.addExit("south", library); library.addExit("north", kitchen); // Game initialization var player = new Player("Kandra", 50); player.addItem("The Sword of Doom"); player.setPlace(kitchen); render();