Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 9.06

Listing 9.06 - Creating multiple Planets with our constructor

var Planet = function (name, position, type) { = name; this.position = position; this.type = type; this.moons = []; this.showPlanet = function () { console.log(; console.log("Planet " + this.position + " - " + this.type); console.log("Moons: " + this.moons.join(', ') + "."); }; this.addMoon = function (moon) { this.moons.unshift(moon); }; }; var planet1 = new Planet("Jupiter", 5, "Gas Giant"); planet1.addMoon("Io"); planet1.addMoon("Europa"); var planet2 = new Planet("Neptune", 8, "Ice Giant"); planet2.addMoon("Triton"); var planet3 = new Planet("Mercury", 1, "Terrestrial"); [ planet1, planet2, planet3 ].forEach(function (planet) { planet.showPlanet(); });

Further Adventures

Listing 9.06 - Creating multiple Planets with our constructor - Task 1

var Planet = function (name, position, type) { = name; this.position = position; this.type = type; this.moons = []; this.showPlanet = function () { console.log(; console.log("Planet " + this.position + " - " + this.type); console.log("Moons: " + this.moons.join(', ') + "."); }; this.addMoon = function (moon) { this.moons.unshift(moon); }; }; var planet1 = new Planet("Jupiter", 5, "Gas Giant"); planet1.addMoon("Io"); planet1.addMoon("Europa"); var planet2 = new Planet("Neptune", 8, "Ice Giant"); planet2.addMoon("Triton"); var planet3 = new Planet("Mercury", 1, "Terrestrial"); [ planet1, planet2, planet3 ].forEach(function (planet) { planet.showPlanet(); }); // add new moons planet1.addMoon("Callisto"); planet2.addMoon("Proteus"); planet3.addMoon("Secret Alien Base");

Listing 9.06 - Creating multiple Planets with our constructor - Task 2

var Planet = function (name, position, type) { = name; this.position = position; this.type = type; this.moons = []; this.showPlanet = function () { console.log(; console.log("Planet " + this.position + " - " + this.type); console.log("Moons: " + this.moons.join(', ') + "."); }; this.addMoon = function (moon) { this.moons.unshift(moon); }; // add a showMoons method this.showMoons = function () { console.log("Moons:"); this.moons.forEach(function (moon, i) { console.log("(" + i + ") " + moon; }); }; };

Listing 9.06 - Creating multiple Planets with our constructor - Task 3

var Planet = function (name, position, type) { = name; this.position = position; this.type = type; this.moons = []; this.showPlanet = function () { console.log(; console.log("Planet " + this.position + " - " + this.type); this.showMoons(); }; this.addMoon = function (moon) { this.moons.unshift(moon); }; this.showMoons = function () { console.log("Moons:"); this.moons.forEach(function (moon, i) { console.log("(" + i + ") " + moon; }); }; };

Listing 9.06 - Creating multiple Planets with our constructor - Task 4

var Planet = function (name, position, type) { = name; this.position = position; this.type = type; this.moons = []; this.showPlanet = function () { console.log(; console.log("Planet " + this.position + " - " + this.type); this.showMoons(); }; this.addMoon = function (moon) { this.moons.unshift(moon); }; this.showMoons = function () { console.log("Moons:"); this.moons.forEach(function (moon, i) { console.log("(" + i + ") " + moon; }); }; this.getMoon = function (index) { return this.moons[index]; }; };