Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 8.06

Listing 8.06 - Manipulating arrays with push, pop and join

var items = []; var item = "The Pyramids"; var removed; items.push(item); items.push("The Grand Canyon"); items.push("Bondi Beach"); console.log(items); removed = items.pop(); console.log(removed + " was removed"); console.log(items.join(" and "));

Further Adventures

Listing 8.06 - Manipulating arrays with push, pop and join - Tasks 1&2

var items = []; var item = "The Pyramids"; var removed; items.push(item); items.push("The Grand Canyon"); items.push("Bondi Beach"); console.log(items); removed = items.pop(); console.log(removed + " was removed"); console.log(items.join(" and ")); items.push("Popocatépetl"); console.log(items.join(" and "));

Listing 8.06 - Manipulating arrays with push, pop and join - Task 3

var items = []; var item = "The Pyramids"; var removed; items.push(item); items.push("The Grand Canyon"); items.push("Bondi Beach"); console.log(items); removed = items.pop(); console.log(removed + " was removed"); console.log(items.join(" and ")); items.push("Popocatépetl"); console.log(items.join(" and ")); // add a fourth item items[3] = "The Taj Mahal"; // adding an item at the end of the array // has the same effect as using push items[items.length] = "The Tower of London";

Listing 8.06 - Manipulating arrays with push, pop and join - Task 4

var items = []; var item = "The Pyramids"; var removed; items.push(item); items.push("The Grand Canyon"); items.push("Bondi Beach"); console.log(items); removed = items.pop(); console.log(removed + " was removed"); console.log(items.join(" and ")); items.push("Popocatépetl"); console.log(items.join(" and ")); items[3] = "The Taj Mahal"; items[items.length] = "The Tower of London"; // push multiple items at once items.push("Devils Tower", "The Great Wall", "Old Faithful"); console.log(items.join("\n"));